Okay... this isn't spiritual... Just a catchy song that I can't get outta my head...

Friday, October 28, 2011

TRUE Story... Amazing Faithfulness of God!...

TRUE Story... Amazing Faithfulness of God!

by Tawni Branz on Friday, October 28, 2011 at 6:43pm...
A young lady who had, all her life, been taught by Godly parents that it is more of a blessing to GIVE than to receive, found a job with a company where several female co-workers verbally and emotionally abused and harrassed her on a continual basis. They stole from her... put inappropriate vulgar things in her work space. They found out her personal information and had her phone number put on the wall of the men's bathroom. They ordered merchandise in her name and had it sent to her house along with the bill...

They did all these things and more because they knew that she was a christian and that she was nice (often mistaken for weakness) and because she was tall and thin and attractive and dressed professionally when they did not. This young lady did absolutely NOTHING to antagonize or instigate all the nastiness that these girls dished out. In fact she viewed these girls as precious in the eyes of God, and she had prayed often for them...
Often she went home in tears, wondering WHY all this harrassment and abuse had to be...?? Sometimes she was tempted to get angry with God, but was quickly reminded by the Holy Spirit that EVEN Jesus was persecuted and tormented (FAR WORSE than she ever was)...
Well, This young lady, as she had always been taught to do, gave over and above her tithe (tithe is the FIRST ten percent) in offerings... Whenever she was able, upon receiving money such as in tax returns, unexpected gifts, she would pray and ask the Lord to show her who He would like her to bless with the 'offering' ...
Well, this particular time after receiving some money, while at work she was talking to the Lord on her way to the restroom, asking Him to show her to whom He wanted her to give some money... "Who do you really want to bless, Lord" she asked Him. "Who could really use it"...
Well, who should walk in the restroom but the 2 girls who had shown her nothing but hatred and nastiness for months. God told her at that moment, "I want you to give it to the one girl who hates you the most." Standing in the stall the young lady couldn't believe what she heard the Lord telling her to do.

"Not HER, God!" she pleaded, hoping for some confirmation that she had just misunderstood what the Holy Spirit had told her...
Then the confirmation came, but NOT the confirmation for which she was hoping. The girl who hated her said to the other girl who tormented her, "I wish I could get my son those Nike shoes he wants... He's been begging for them for so long and it's his birthday in a few days and there's just no way I can afford them..."
"Ok, God, I'll do it, cuz I know you love her. I know that there's probably something I'm gonna learn from this..." She agreed... She walked out and handed the money to the girl and said that She knew that the girl didn't like her and that she wasn't trying to get her to be her friend, but that God wanted her to be able to get those shoes for her son because He loves her... And then that young lady walked out of the restroom. She didnt feel anger or resentment or disappointment... She felt love, she felt the presence of God, she felt strong... She felt GOOD...
The abuse, the harrasment was over... Those two girls never bothered her again. They couldnt fight the love of God... But WAIT... The BEST PART is that God THEN showed Himself to be FAITHFUL to His Word... The Bible says to GIVE and it will be GIVEN UNTO YOU GOOD MEASURE, pressed down, shaken together an running over... shall MEN give unto you! ...BEST PART... The next wkend one of the guys from her church who was helping her family clean out her grandprents house since they had passed away, tossed a package of queen-sized panty hose at her jokingly telling her that she might be able to use them (she wore a size zero so she OBVIOUSLY wouldnt be wearing them anytime soon)
To make a long story a little shorter... She decided to KEEP the package of pantyhose (that would have otherwise been tossed in the burn barrel with all the other stuff they were tossing out) so she put them in her bedroom drawer for when she was ... Big... pregnant someday maybe... but the package kept getting stuck when she opened/closed the drawer... So she decided to take them outta the package and keep the panthose and throw the package away...
WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH GOD'S FAITHFULNESS?? Glad you asked... When she reached in to pull out the pantyhose she found 10 $100 bills instead ($1000 for those who might be too good at math lol) SOOOOO... She gave, out of obedience to God, to a girl who hated her,  less than $100, and God in His infinite love and mercy and faithfulness turned the heart of that girl.  The boy got the shoes, and the nice young lady Got to see God at work and got $1000 ...
I thank God for my parents who taught me that it is far better to GIVE than to receive... God wants to bless His children, ESPECIALLY when they are obedient and show that they TRUST Him!
I love you Daddy, God with my WHOLE heart and every fiber of my being! You have NEVER let me down or disappointed me or got offended by my weakness' and imperfection, You dont treat me with sellf righteous piousness, You dont GIVE the SILENT TREATMENT to make a point... You are AWESOME!!! you are utterly and totaly AWESOME!

Monday, October 24, 2011

YOU are Special!...

No matter who you are or from where you have come... YOU are SPECIAL!!! And YOU are PRECIOUS to God... Don't let this day pass being fooled by a lie from the pit of Hell that YOU are insignificant... God formed you in your mother's womb... YOU are VALUABLE and PRECIOUS in His sight!!! God cares about the BIG things in your life and He cares about the small things... He knows the number of hairs on your head, for He created YOU!   ...YOU were not a mistake, YOU are not a failure... God sent His son to pay a price (an expensive painful price) for YOU... So that YOU could know His love and His mercy and His kindness so that Not only YOU would be blessed but so that other people whose lives you touch would be blessed as well...

I say a prayer for you this day, YOU who are reading these very words, that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened and that you would come into the knowlege of the love and faithfulness of God that you could live a victorious, glorious, prosperous, effective life... That you would KNOW, sense, feel, see the Love of God toward YOU!

You are never alone... God is touched by your cries to Him... He longs to show Himself strong in your life... Let Him, Invite Him, Trust Him

Monday, October 17, 2011

Just a few Pics I took of my little princess... She's 8 going on 18... (You know how THAT goes...)

Who's behind those 'foster Grants'?... Mackenzi at age 7...
Tryin out her pouty pose... Age 6

My little drama queen... age 8

Sittin on her swing... Age 8

Mackenzi... age 8

Mackenzi... Age 7

Mackenzi... age 6

Mackenzi... age 6

Mackenzi ... age 8

Mackenzi... Age 6
Mackenzi... Age 5
Mackenzi at 5...

Mackenzi... age 4